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Mighty bold mark! design, under the creative direction of Yee-Fan Sun, provides affordable web + print graphic design services for clients across the country.

a brief history the story behind the name...

Once upon a time, circa 1993 in fact, a girl named Yee-Fan was enrolled in a basic drawing studio, a requirement for her major in college. One fine day, the class was exploring the concept of the drawn mark [this was a very basic course indeed]. Pencil in hand, blank paper in sight, the girl eagerly attacked the page with a flourish. A strong, dark line curved across the white expanse. Having witnessed the act, the drawing professor exclaimed: "That's a mighty bold mark for such a little girl!"

She's been making bold marks ever since. Mighty bold mark! design creates bold designs, generating websites, printed materials, and logos that share a mighty bold aesthetic — daring, original, assertive, straight-to-the-point visuals that are clean, simple, elegant and effective — but at the same time, mold a 100% unique image for each individual client. Learn more about her background, view her work, or contact y@mightyboldmark.com to discuss what mighty bold mark! design can do for you.

copyright ©2001-2016 yee-fan sun/mighty bold mark! design